it's coming.

We invite you to explore our upcoming events, from special services, to new Bible Studies, to exciting fellowship events. If you have any questions about what's coming, please contact us at 630.355.9655.

word of life music academy

Have a child five years old or older?

Word of Life offers FREE guitar lessons each Sunday from 12:00pm - 12:30pm for youth who are interested in learning guitar in a group setting. Just bring a guitar of your choice.

For more information, please contact Pastor Schoon in the church office.

on the horizon...

Preschool Sunday: May 5th at 10:45am

Mother's Day Services: May 12th at 8:30am or 10:45am

Father's Day Services: June 16th at 10:45am

Baseball Night at the Cougars: July 12th at 6:30pm

Vacation Bible School: July 22nd - July 26th

Baseball Night at the Cougars: August 2nd at 6:30pm